
The world needs better management of natural resources, and biodiversity coupled with higher-order landscape considerations as well as circular economy and agro-ecological approaches to harness the goodness of mother nature.

We have put in place and are actively involved in environmental sustainability in the following initiatives:

1. Innovation and Modern Equipment – We have invested in innovative processing techniques to ensure reduction of waste production and increase production efficiency.
2. Zero Waste – We have put in place both recycling and upcycling processing to ensure we achieve circular economy. For instance, all fruits waste is used for animal feeds and organic fertilizers by small holder farmers.
3. We are actively promoting planting of more mango and citrus trees as Commercial Forests and partnering with smallholder farmers and local nurseries and tree seedlings growers ensure restoration of degraded land as well as mitigate environmental hazards associated with land degradation.
4. We have put in place a deliberate Environmental management framework as well as Environmental Sustainability policy to ensure all our practices are aligned to the policy. We are ISO 14001 certified by the Kenya Bureau of Standards on Environmental Management system.